In my research I exploit techniques coming from algebraic geometry, non-linear algebra and metric algebraic
geometry to tackle multilinear algebra related problems. From a purely tensor perspective, I am
particularly interested in the identifiability problem for tensor decomposition and in the structure of the
points forming a decomposition. More generally, I enjoy using multilinear algebra methods to tackle
problems in different applications.
If you need access to one of my articles, feel free to contact me.
Rank and symmetries of signature tensors, arXiv:2407.20405 (2024), submitted. with F. Galuppi. ​
Decomposition loci of tensors, arXiv:2407.18138 (2024), submitted. With A. Bernardi and A. Oneto (supplementary material here).
Degree of the subspace variety, Collect. Math., accepted for publication, 2024. With P. Breiding.
Geometry of first nonempty Terracini loci, arXiv:2311.09067 (2023), submitted. With F. Galuppi, D. A. Torrance and E. Teixeira Turatti (supplementary material here).
Decomposing tensor spaces via path signatures, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, accepted for publication, 2024. With C. Améndola, F. Galuppi, Á. D. Ríos Ortiz and T. Seynnaeve (supplementary material here).
The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors. arXiv: 2303.17537 (2023), submitted. With J. Lindberg.
Average degree of the essential variety, La Matematica 3, 753–776, 2024. With P. Breiding, S. Fairchild and E. Shehu, (supplementary material here).
An algorithm for the non-identifiability of rank-3 tensors. Boll Unione Mat Ital,16, 595–624 (2023). (code implementation here)
Terracini locus for three points on a Segre variety. Asian J.
Math., 27(3) (2023). With E. Ballico and A. Bernardi. -
Identifiability of Rank-3 tensors. Mediterr. J. Math. 18, 174 (2021).
With E. Ballico and A. Bernardi.
07/2024, Degree of subspace varieties, MEGA2024, Leipzig, Germany.
07/2024, An algebraic perspective on signature tensors, Kick-off meeting of the INABAG research group, Torino, Italy.
06/2024, A geometric perspective on condition numbers for tensor decomposition, II Meeting UMI for doctoral students, Napoli, Italy.
05/2024, The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors, SIAM LA 24 Conference, Paris, France.
12/2023, On the rank and symmetries of signature tensors, Algebraic Geometry seminar at MIMUW, Poland.
07/2023, The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors, SIAM AG 23 Conference, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
06/2023, The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors, Oberseminar, Bielefeld University, Germany.
01/2023, On the symmetric geometric rank, Oberseminar of the institute of algebra and geometry, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany.
11/2022, Representation theory of signature tensors, Pfaffians, tensors and applications, MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany.
11/2022, On the Terracini locus of a (Segre) variety, Moduli day, MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany.
09/2022, On the Terracini locus of a Segre variety, Kickoff workshop AGATES semester, Warsaw, Poland.