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In my research I exploit techniques coming from algebraic geometry, non-linear algebra and metric algebraic
geometry to tackle multilinear algebra related problems. From a purely tensor perspective, I am
particularly interested in the identifiability problem for tensor decomposition and in the structure of the
points forming a decomposition. More generally, I enjoy using multilinear algebra methods to tackle
problems in different applications.


If you need access to one of my articles, feel free to contact me.

  • Rank and symmetries of signature tensors, arXiv:2407.20405 (2024), submitted. with F. Galuppi. â€‹

  • Decomposition loci of tensors, arXiv:2407.18138 (2024), submitted. With A. Bernardi and A. Oneto (supplementary material here).

  • Degree of the subspace variety, Collect. Math., accepted for publication, 2024. With P. Breiding.

  • Geometry of first nonempty Terracini loci, arXiv:2311.09067 (2023), submitted. With F. Galuppi, D. A. Torrance and E. Teixeira Turatti (supplementary material here).

  • Decomposing tensor spaces via path signatures, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, accepted for publication, 2024. With C. Améndola, F. Galuppi, Á. D. Ríos Ortiz and T. Seynnaeve (supplementary material here).

  • The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors. arXiv: 2303.17537 (2023), submitted. With J. Lindberg.

  • Average degree of the essential variety, La Matematica 3, 753–776, 2024. With P. Breiding, S. Fairchild and E. Shehu, (supplementary material here).

  • An algorithm for the non-identifiability of rank-3 tensors. Boll Unione Mat Ital,16, 595–624 (2023). (code implementation here)

  • Terracini locus for three points on a Segre variety. Asian J.
    Math., 27(3) (2023). With E. Ballico and A. Bernardi.

  • Identifiability of Rank-3 tensors. Mediterr. J. Math. 18, 174 (2021).
    With E. Ballico and A. Bernardi.


  • 07/2024, Degree of subspace varieties, MEGA2024, Leipzig, Germany.

  • 07/2024, An algebraic perspective on signature tensors, Kick-off meeting of the INABAG research group, Torino, Italy.

  • 06/2024, A geometric perspective on condition numbers for tensor decomposition, II Meeting UMI for doctoral students, Napoli, Italy.

  • 05/2024, The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors, SIAM LA 24 Conference, Paris, France.

  • 12/2023, On the rank and symmetries of signature tensors, Algebraic Geometry seminar at MIMUW, Poland.

  • 07/2023, The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors, SIAM AG 23 Conference, TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.

  • 06/2023, The symmetric geometric rank of symmetric tensors, Oberseminar, Bielefeld University, Germany.

  • 01/2023, On the symmetric geometric rank, Oberseminar of the institute of algebra and geometry, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany.

  • 11/2022, Representation theory of signature tensors, Pfaffians, tensors and applications, MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany.

  • 11/2022, On the Terracini locus of a (Segre) variety, Moduli day, MPI MiS Leipzig, Germany.

  • 09/2022, On the Terracini locus of a Segre variety, Kickoff workshop AGATES semester, Warsaw, Poland.


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